Artistic Soul
During my days of study, ...I am working on my presentation..., now I need to insert an image, and also I need to edit the image, how will I do that, I need an image editing software, I will use photoshop, let us see,...this was more than a decade ago, and this is the moment that defined the course of my life.
Hello, I am Admir Hrnjica, a digital artist. An artistic soul is a term that others use to describe me. As far as I can remember, the spark for art was always there inside of me, and the experience mentioned above was the initial fuel that started that creative flame.
I found myself and my passion within computer graphics and digital art, the abilities that it can provide, and the number of expressions that I can achieve during a creative session. I fell in love with it.
Experience is my teacher. I am a self-taught artist. I put to use my talent to help many achieve their visual and graphics goals for their agencies. Over the years, I came in contact with many interconnected yet different skill sets. I have gained experience in many areas.
I am inspired by philosophy and religion, science, and astronomy as an artist. With my artworks, I am trying to convey a sense of understanding of the world in which we live, our place as human beings within it, and us as complex beings.